Porcelain Inlays-Onlays in Carleton Place, ON

Tooth decay and damage can cause problems for your oral health and the overall function of your teeth. At Costello Family Dentistry, we offer porcelain inlays and onlays to help restore your smile's structural integrity and appearance.

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Get Your Smile Back with an Inlay or Onlay

If you have deep cavities or moderate levels of tooth decay, porcelain inlays and onlays provide an effective remedy and healthier alternative to metal fillings. When your tooth structure weakens and breaks down, this can impact its overall function and appearance. These inlays and onlays can re-stabilize your tooth, restore chewing capabilities, and prevent further damage.

Porcelain inlays fill spaces within the tooth, such as deeper cavities. On the other hand, porcelain onlays rebuild the surface of your tooth when you have significant chipping or wear.

Two young woman give a thumbs up while smiling
young woman getting a filling at the dentist

The Procedure

When you visit us at our Carleton Place clinic, we will first assess your situation to confirm if porcelain inlays or onlays are suitable for you. The procedure itself usually takes two appointments:

  • Tooth Preparation: In our first session together, we will take impressions of your teeth to send to the lab, remove old fillings, and replace them with a temporary dental filling.
  • Porcelain Inlay or Onlay Fitting: Once your new porcelain onlay or inlay arrives from the lab, your second appointment will consist of removing the temporary filling and bonding the permanent one to your tooth for a secure fit.

Why Choose a Porcelain Inlay or Onlay?

As mentioned above, the difference between a porcelain inlay and an onlay is its placement on the tooth. Regardless of which one you receive, there are similar benefits:

  • Perfect colour matching makes them a more aesthetically-pleasing option than amalgam fillings
  • The porcelain material and lab customization ensure durability and long-lasting results
  • Improves functions like chewing
  • Prevents the risk of further tooth decay

woman sitting in a dental chair holding a dental model.


Dental Emergency?

Our Carleton Place location offers same-day appointments for your emergencies. If you need a dentist near you to help you in a crisis, please do not hesitate — call us right away!