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Porcelain Veneers in Carleton Place, ON
Cosmetic dentistry is a great way to improve your smile to one that is seamless and sparkling. Specifically, veneers can help to restore the size, shape, and colour of your teeth to a wow-worthy appearance that you can be proud to show off. At Costello Family Dentistry, our porcelain veneers are made to bring out your best smile, and our dentists are happy to help their patients feel confident in their appearance when it comes to their teeth.
To Book an Appointment
What are Porcelain Veneers?
For some, achieving a beautiful smile might seem impossible. Perhaps you have a misshapen tooth, or one that never fully developed after breaking through your gums. The solution to these issues lies with porcelain veneers. These shells are used to cover an existing tooth, giving it the height, colour, definition, and shape of a natural looking one.
At Costello Family Dentistry, we recommend porcelain veneers to almost all of our patients. This material is not only strong and durable, but it also reflects light in a way similar to your other teeth. What’s more, it’s stain-resistant, meaning you’ll never have to worry about discolouration. These are significant benefits, especially compared to a composite alternative, which is widely used but does not have the same properties. In some cases, a composite can look dull next to other teeth.
Once your existing tooth is capped, your dentist will use their tools to best shape the veneer to fit in with your smile. This long-lasting solution enhances your teeth and your overall appearance, giving you the confidence boost you’ve been searching for!

How Can Porcelain Veneers Fix Damaged Teeth?
Your teeth go through a lot in your lifetime, and they can become damaged for all kinds of reasons. While chips and cracks are not uncommon, they can lead to bigger issues if left unchecked. Crooked teeth that grow too closely in your mouth may be difficult to floss, and can lead to dental decay. You may even struggle with one tooth that has had too many fillings, and as a result is permanently discoloured and does not match the rest of your smile.
With the assistance of a veneer, teeth can be reinforced to prevent further breakage. It can also add a layer or protection from possible damage, such as dental decay or gum disease. With the appearance of a fully-formed tooth, you likely won’t be able to stop smiling. It is worth nothing that this type of cosmetic dentistry is best suited to minor issues, and might not be suitable for those who require extensive dental work.
What’s the First Step in Getting Veneers?
If you are considering veneers as a solution to imperfections in your smile, the first step is a consultation with your dentist. They will want to ensure this cosmetic procedure is the right course of action for your teeth. An oral exam and X-rays are required to best understand the condition of your oral health before your dentist can make an informed decision regarding next steps.
In general, veneers are ideal for patients with healthy teeth and gums. Since a shell is placed over your tooth, it is vital the area underneath is clean. Otherwise, if capped, an issue may spread, rapidly getting worse and possibly impacting more than just your tooth. Your jaw could even be affected.
If your oral health is optimal, your dentist will discuss their findings with you before going ahead to schedule subsequent appointments to fit and bond your veneers.

Revitalize Your Look and Boost Your Self-Confidence!
Nobody has a “perfect” smile – in fact, there’s no such thing as perfection when it comes to your teeth. What’s most important to us as a dental clinic is helping to create a beautiful, healthy, and natural smile. Whether you’re embarrassed by some aspects of your teeth or are self-conscious about the weakness of others, we fully understand the difficulties of coping with these physical traits.
Fortunately, there’s no need to be embarrassed any longer. It’s time to enhance your teeth to look their very best – helping you feel your very best – with the innovative use of our porcelain veneers. This cosmetic dentistry solution is guaranteed to give your teeth a bright and vibrant appearance so you can smile with confidence again!
Colour Matching for a Seamless Look
In many cases, a candidate for porcelain veneers will only truly need them for a few teeth to improve the look of their smile. We know how important it is for your teeth to fit together seamlessly, and the necessity for your veneers to closely match the natural colour of your teeth as well. That is why we take our time and ensure that every porcelain veneer that we create is carefully matched to the proper colour and shade before we install them in your mouth.
Since your porcelain veneer is stain resistant, you may want to consider routine cleaning treatments so your natural teeth can match the appearance of the capped one. Our take-home teeth whitening kits are available to our patients once they have completed a full exam, including X-rays, teeth cleaning, and removal of any decay. These kits can help to enhance a bright smile to one that is even more brilliant. We are capable of matching the colour of your veneer to your teeth, and aim to do the same once your veneer is properly in place. Enhancing your smile, makes us smile!
If you’re ready for one or more of our cosmetic dentistry services, we at Costello Family Dentistry are happy to help. At our clinic, we want all of our patients to feel supported when it comes to their dental care needs. Our team will work with you to ensure you are informed and comfortable every step of the way, creating a plan that best suits your oral health. Contact our team today to book your initial consultation, and let’s get started on beautifying your smile!

Dental Emergency?
Our Carleton Place location offers same-day appointments for your emergencies. If you need a dentist near you to help you in a crisis, please do not hesitate — call us right away!